
A natural language parser for dates, times, and durations

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A tiny utility library with no dependencies that parses natural language dates, times, and intervals to either a Date instance or a numerical value in milliseconds. Here are some examples of possible inputs:

  • two weeks ago
  • 1 day ago
  • in 2 hours and 5 minutes
  • in a month
  • 2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z


npm i --save time-speak


Import the parse function call it with a string containing a natural language representation of either a time in the future, past, or a duration. The return value is a timestamp in milliseconds if the input is a duration, otherwise it is a Date instance.

import { parse } from 'time-speak'

const pastDate = parse('2 days and 4 hours ago')
const pastDateWithNumberWords = parse('two days and four hours ago')
const futureDate = parse('in 4 hours')
const durationMS = parse('6 months')

pastDateWithNumberWords, // 2023-12-19T13:02:39.768Z
pastDate, // 2023-12-19T13:02:39.768Z
futureDate, // 2023-12-21T21:02:39.768Z
durationMS // 15552000000

API Reference

The standalone JSDoc reference can be found in DOCUMENTATION.md



Error thrown when the input cannot be parsed to a date or duration. It optionally accepts a detail parameter that can be used to provide more information about why parsing failed.



A mapping of time units to their millisecond values.


A mapping of plural time units to their singular counterparts.



Parses a string into a Date or number of milliseconds. The string can describe the date in natural language (e.g. "tomorrow", "in 2 hours and 3 minutes", "a month ago", etc.) or be a valid date string (e.g. "2018-01-01").


Error thrown when the input cannot be parsed to a date or duration. It optionally accepts a detail parameter that can be used to provide more information about why parsing failed.

Kind: global class
Access: public

new InvalidInputError(input, detail)

Create a new InvalidInputError instance with the given input, optionally providing a detail parameter to describe why parsing failed. The detail parameter will be included in the error message if provided.

Param Description
input The input that could not be parsed
detail A more detailed description of the error


The input that could not be parsed.

Kind: instance property of InvalidInputError


An optional detailed description of the reason why parsing failed.

Kind: instance property of InvalidInputError

invalidInputError.detail ⇒

Get the detail explaining why parsing failed. If no detail was provided, it will return an empty string.

Kind: instance property of InvalidInputError
Returns: The detail string.

invalidInputError.input ⇒

Get the original input that could not be parsed.

Kind: instance property of InvalidInputError
Returns: The input string.


A mapping of time units to their millisecond values.

Kind: global variable


A mapping of plural time units to their singular counterparts.

Kind: global variable

parse(input) ⇒

Parses a string into a Date or number of milliseconds. The string can describe the date in natural language (e.g. "tomorrow", "in 2 hours and 3 minutes", "a month ago", etc.) or be a valid date string (e.g. "2018-01-01").

Kind: global function
Returns: The parsed date or number of milliseconds.

Access: public

Param Description
input The string to parse.

Here are some example invocations:

const ... = parse('1 day ago')
const ... = parse('three days ago')
const ... = parse('in 2 hours and 3 minutes')
const ... = parse('a month')
const ... = parse('2018-01-01')
const ... = parse('2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z')

Here are some example invocations that throw an exception:

parse('in 2 hours and 3 minutes ago')
parse('a month in the past')

Release History

See CHANGELOG.md for more information.


Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md for more information.


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